Our church planting team took off and went to a training. We spent two days working hard and realized that there is a lot to do as we pray and plan to launch in the fall.
We spent time working on our vision & mission statement, our values, and even more importantly, focusing on the Gospel and the need for evangelism. It was a long weekend, and we walked away with a lot, knowing that there is still so much to do.
While we spent much time in prayer, we were also blessed to have some pastors and other church planters pray for our team and the work we have ahead of ourselves.

– Pray for Pastor Felix as he leads our church planting team.
– Pray for the team to find unity as we share the Gospel with those in the city and work hard at preparing things for the fall.
– Pray that we will collect the funds needed to launch the church.
– Pray for the lost in Bucharest.
– Pray for Bucharest. With the surrounding communities, we have approximately 4 million people. There are 120 evangelical churches. 1 church for every 40,000 people. There is a huge need for Gospel churches!