This past Sunday we had another Baptism at the church.
I first met Emi two summers ago. We spent about three hours talking… in the very beginning, he looks at me and says, “You are very direct when it comes to God.” I wasn’t pulling any punches as we talked about man’s need of a Savior.
He has been attending the church since that summer, and has been an active part in a lot of the Bible studies we have been holding. He is eager to grow in his faith and knowledge, so much so that he has begun attending the Baptist University in Bucharest.

– For Emi (pronounced em-ee), that he would continue to grow in his faith, that he would grow in love, and in good works (Heb 10:24)
– For the church as it continues to invest in his life and others like him
– For Emi’s family. It is dysfunctional, and there are a lot of problems that affect him.