This weekend, we will be having our Sunday Worship service 3 hours away from Bucuresti. That sounds strange to me as a North American, but knowing the details and the culture here, it works.
We have an “all church” retreat in the mountains. And the great thing is that almost all the members and regular attenders as well as a few “guests” are coming with us to the mountains (many are still on their way). Sunday, we will live stream our service like normal, and for those who didn’t come for whatever reason – they plan on joining us online.
This Sunday we will not only corporately worship our great God with our “regular” Sunday program, but we will also take time after and talk about the future of our church. We spent hundreds of hours – lots of meetings, and time seeking the Lord in the direction we should take the church. Well, Sunday we share the details with the church and ask them to continue joining us as we follow God’s leading in doing what He has called the church to do in Bucuresti and beyond our city.

– for our time in the mountains away from the city, that it would be a bounding experience for our church
– that the church would come alongside the elders and the leadership of the church as we move forward with the plans for the church
– for our elder board, when we return from the mountains, we are dealing with some church discipline issues (never fun or easy – but vitally important for the health of the church & the glory of our God)
– somehow, that those of us running things would get some rest over the next few days =)