If you type in Bucharest into google maps, you will get the map above. At the very tip of the letter “a”, you have the location of our future church plant – right in the heart of the city.
Through God’s grace, we have a location, and what a location it is. Currently, there is another church who is using the location. They have bought a building in town and will be moving out of their current location in the fall. And when they move out, the landlord would like to rent the building to us. Currently, we have access to the building Sunday afternoons – which is when we hold our public worship services.

If you are looking to get very specific, the address is Strada Crișului 9 – Bucharest Romania.
We are currently working hard toward planting the church. We are training those who have expressed a desire to help. The Gospel is at the center of all we are doing. And it is exciting and if I can be honest, scary at times. There is a lot of work to do. And like any ministry, it involves people. And people are sinners. So the work isn’t always easy.

Currently, we are holding a public worship service the first Sunday of the month. Then the third Sunday of the month we have a public gathering, but it isn’t a worship service but more of an outreach. The other Sundays we met off-site with our planting team and invest in them. Thursdays we meet and work on the church planting plans.

– Pray for the Gospel… that it would remain our focus. That it would take root not only in the city, but in our hearts on a daily basis. That we would preach it to the lost, and to ourselves.
– Pray for the church planting team. (We are actually going to be 2 days at a training conference this week).
– Pray for Bucharest. With the surrounding communities, we have approximately 4 million people. There are 120 evangelical churches. 1 church for every 40,000 people. There is a huge need for Gospel churches!