What is next? What are we doing? Where are we going?
On the Elder board, we have been talking about increasing the discipleship culture in the church, and the need to press harder into developing more leaders…
As pastors, Felix and I have talked a lot about alfAOmega planting a church.
But the church needs to be a part of the planning and definitely a part of the implication of these things. So we have taken 3 days to go to the mountains with the pastors & elders, and small group leaders to discuss where we want to go, and plan for it.
The church’s tag line is to Discover, Grow, and Transmit.
What does that look like practically? How do we help develop additional leaders in the church? What do we need to improve on from the past year? What do we need to get ride of? What do we need to add? There are so many questions…
We spent our first night in prayer. We definitely don’t see that as a waisted day here – we recognize it is not our church, it is His church. God doesn’t need us, we need Him. So the time in prayer was the best way to spend our initial hours here.
My request for you is to pray that God would:
– that we would remain humble and seek Him in all decisions
– that God would give us wisdom
– that alfAOmega would be a church that reaches out to others, and brings honor and glorly to God and God alone