Years ago, we would travel 1.5 hours south to run the youth ministry for a church in Alexandria (and then 1.5 hours home). C happened to live in Alexandria and would sometimes visit the youth ministry there.
2024 comes along and C no longer lives in Alexandria but lives in Bucuresti. We have spent some time investing in her – Mihi has been spending the bulk of the time. She knows the Gospel, we have clearly presented it to her a number of times. She understands what it means to follow Christ, and she isn’t ready to let go of control – and she knows that when God leads, He leads us away from some “youthful behaviors.”
I received a phone call from C’s friend, letting me know that she is back in Alexandria because her grandfather is on his deathbed. Both Mihi and I have connected with her, and Mihi spent some time on the phone praying with her and encouraging her.

– for C’s salvation
– for the salvation of her family
– for her grandmother and the rest of the family as grandfather is passing
– for us to continue to be able to invest in her life… that we can continue to introduce her to the Savior.