It is 4:45 in the morning, and I am listening to a morning call of prayer being blasted across the city. Why are the three of us in North Africa?
That is a great question. The answer is somewhat straight forward – the Gospel is needed in this closed country. (Due to the safety of our colleague and those who she works with, we can’t disclose the location, names, faces, etc.)
Our job while we are here has been to visit with our colleague, H and encourage her. She moved to this closed country late last year, and is still settling in. Moving overseas is hard… so much more when you are single, living in a Muslim country whereas a woman you have fewer rights, where Christianity can cost you everything… It is an adjustment to say the least.
We have been talking about mission transitions, ministry, life, etc. Mihi has been able to share about fighting against discouragement, about the Word and Christ needing to be our anchor.
And Brianna has been soaking it all in. We were encouraged to take along Brianna – she is only 5 years younger than H. They connected as well, and it has been good to see Brianna realizing that you don’t have to be old to be used by God.
Last night we were blessed to share a meal in H’s apartment (so we were freely able to actually discuss the things of God, the working taking place in this country, etc.) And H’s national partners joined us. M&M love the Lord and serve Him faithfully at great personal risk and cost.
We were able to hear their story, what is happening right now here, and to hear the future hopes of ministry. One very exciting thing which caught all three of our attention was the hope for an illegal printing press so they can print Bibles. Smuggling them into the country is not as cost-effective and it is very time-consuming. To get the 20,000 Bibles they need for the next few years, it appears that printing them would be a better solution. (They have had aprox. 20,000 smuggled in over the last years and they are almost completely depleted).
God is not just working in your neighborhood in the States, and in Eastern Europe. God is at work in North Africa too. He is doing amazing things all over – through regular people that love the Lord and are willing to serve Him.

– For H as she continues to adjust to life in this closed country. For the loneliness and difficulties to only drive her closer to the Lord, and that He would allow her to develop fulfilling relationships with people here.
– For the next 30 days of Ramadan, as it is a month of increased spiritual oppression and darkness.
– Pray for local believers to be encouraged by the Word and the work of the Holy Spirit, as Ramadan is a season of heightened oppression and isolation for them. Their Muslim family & the whole community practice rituals and pressures them to join.
– For M&M as they serve an underground church as pastor and wife, for their ministry to believers, and their bold evangelical efforts.
– For the Bible situation here. That the Word of God will be available for those who ask for it.