Every year Sfanta Treime holds a kids camp, and alfAOmega has been partnering with our mother church a lot more recently… so kid’s camp is together again this year. This means a lot more kids, and a lot more staff.
While Abby technically aged out of the kids’ camp this year, she was allowed to still attend as a participant (sometimes it pays to have a dad who’s on the pastoral staff at two churches).
This is CJ’s first year serving at the kids camp, and he is filling the role “Ce Se Cere” – roughly translated “whatever is asked of you.” It is the staff role that most people fill at camp, and CJ has been doing a great job with a huge servant’s heart.
Last year Brianna was “Ce Se Cere” but has graduated from Staff to Counselor this year. She has a group of girls that she is leading throughout the entire week. I’m sure that they are all having a blast!