Church Kids Camp

Church Kids Camp

Every year Sfanta Treime holds a kids camp, and alfAOmega has been partnering with our mother church a lot more recently… so kid’s camp is together again this year. This means a lot more kids, and a lot more staff.  While Abby technically aged out of...
Ukrainian Summer Camp

Ukrainian Summer Camp

Not only are we (UBC22) running refugee centers and sending convoys into Ukraine, we also decided that this summer we needed to hold a summer camp for Ukrainians. A week long Ukrainian camp at Loteia (the camp ground bought in 2021), was the first camp we have...
10 years of VBS

10 years of VBS

This year marks the 10 year mark of alfAOmega church going down south and working along side Biserica Baptista Emanuel of Alexandria. We go into 4 different villages and run 4 week-long VBS clubs (or camps, or programs, whatever you call them).  10 YEARS!!! The church...