A place to belong

A place to belong

alfAOmega church is looking for a new location. The church has been at the same location for a number of years, and the rent continues to increase… causing us to pray about finding a location that can be used for more than just Sundays. Space inside a European...
Church Planting

Church Planting

We started at 10:00am and went right up until 5:00pm teaching about how M4 Romania could help teams plant churches. We are praying that we will be able to come alongside 5 new church planting teams before the end of 2023.   Pray for Gabi. He is praying about the...
90 years of ministry

90 years of ministry

Biserica Baptistă Sfânta Treime recently celebrated its 90th anniversary. Not only has the church been a light for all those years, but decades were under the oppressive communistic regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu. The photos below show a quick overview of the history of...