Our 3-day retreat was great as we planned and prepared for the future of the church.
But we were not able to finish everything we were working on. So we gathered together again (7:30pm till midnight) to bring things to a conclusion and prepare to share things with the church.
Here are a few of the prayer requests for our church alfAOmega:
– we are launching our small group ministry this next week after the summer break. We are starting with 5 groups (one more than last year), and praying that we will have 7 before summer hits again in 2024.
– pray for Pastor Felix. He serves as the senior pastor, in addition to serving as an associate pastor at our mother church. The balance is difficult, but necessary for him financially. Plus we have a lot of cross-over in ministry with the mother church so it does make some sense. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t difficult for him. I serve as an associate pastor for both churches, but there are low expectations of me from the mother church as I am viewed as belonging to alfAOmega, whereas everyone views Pastor Felix as belonging to them (both AO and the mother church).
– Pray for unity. There are a couple of situations that are delicate and could cause divisions if the individuals involved do not respond in a Godly way as we deal with things.