by Chris Guess | Sep 12, 2023 | Family, Health
Recently Mihi received a confirmed diagnosis of having Lyme Disease. While the disease is not good news, having a diagnosis has been helping the doctors in setting a course of treatment. You might remember that back in December, we all came down with a really...
by Chris Guess | Sep 10, 2023 | UBC22
We just received a message from one of our partners across the border in Ukraine. We recently took some food and supplies to them, and a few days later their city was hit with a number of explosive drones. The war continues, and our brothers and sisters in Ukraine...
by Chris Guess | Sep 9, 2023 | Church Ministry, Church Planting
We started at 10:00am and went right up until 5:00pm teaching about how M4 Romania could help teams plant churches. We are praying that we will be able to come alongside 5 new church planting teams before the end of 2023. Pray for Gabi. He is praying about the...
by Chris Guess | Sep 4, 2023 | Church Ministry, Sfanta Treime
Biserica Baptistă Sfânta Treime recently celebrated its 90th anniversary. Not only has the church been a light for all those years, but decades were under the oppressive communistic regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu. The photos below show a quick overview of the history of...
by Chris Guess | Aug 17, 2023 | alfAOmega, Outreach, Sfanta Treime
Every year Sfanta Treime holds a kids camp, and alfAOmega has been partnering with our mother church a lot more recently… so kid’s camp is together again this year. This means a lot more kids, and a lot more staff. While Abby technically aged out of...