Pastor Felix

Pastor Felix

Saturday, Felix’s knee began to hurt. He took it easy on Sunday and stayed in bed, but it just got worse. Monday, I went to take him to the hospital because the pain was so intense…The first hospital gave him some pills. They didn’t do an x-ray or...
Mihi was discharged

Mihi was discharged

As the doctors looked over Mihi’s bloodwork, the main concern was blood clots. The blood work suggested that she had blood clots either in her legs or in her lungs. As they began to cross off things in the hospital, they began to search in other areas. An...
Mihi is in the hospital

Mihi is in the hospital

Recently Mihi received a confirmed diagnosis of having Lyme Disease. While the disease is not good news, having a diagnosis has been helping the doctors in setting a course of treatment.  You might remember that back in December, we all came down with a really...